Year: 2018 | Month: September | Volume 63 | Issue 3

Growth and Instability Analysis of Cauliflower Crop in Punjab

Shruti Mohapatra Jasdev Singh


The present study was conducted to show the statistical investigation of growth and instability in area, production and productivity of cauliflower in Punjab. The study was based on the data collected from the secondary sources like The results revealed that area as well as production of cauliflower in Punjab and India had increased over the last 27 years but the yield of the crop was found to be decreased over the year in Punjab while in India it had increased over the year. The instability index of productivity was very low and stable in Punjab as compared to the whole over India. This was happening due to higher amount of assured irrigation facilities available in Punjab. Proper concentration should be paid on the improvement on production as well as marketing also.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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